Mary Fons lives a quiltful life. You might already know Mary from her lectures at QuiltCon, her work as Quiltfolk magazine’s editor-in-chief, her time at Quilty magazine, her appearances on Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting, reading her articles on quilt history and culture in all your favorite quilt magazine, or tuning in to her Quilt Nerd video magazine. She’s known as an engaging and thoughtful speaker at the intersection of quilts and culture — it’s our pleasure to welcome her to KCMQG in November. With a topic as compelling as MYTH: Belief vs. Reality in the American Quilt Story, we are all sure to leave the meeting thinking about quilting just a bit differently.
This is a hybrid meeting on November 10, 2022 at 6:30pm join in person or via Zoom!
Merriam Community Center
6040 Slater St
Merriam, KS 66202