It’s been almost a year since the we started our long-term charity project, the Fetal Demise Pouches. We thought it was time for an update. This project, which is often hard to talk about, is very close to our hearts. If this is the first you’ve heard of it, here’s a brief explanation:
A fetal demise pouch is a small fabric pouch used to hold the smallest infants that die prematurely and who are too small or too fragile for clothing. The pouch provides a place for these smallest of babies so that their parents can hold them and say goodbye.
This is an ongoing charity project for the guild, and every month members pick up fabric packs or drop off completed pouches that are ready for distribution.
As a guild, we have made close to 200 of these little pouches, all from the generously donated Anna Marie Horner fabrics from Westminster Fabrics. At first, we were donating all the pouches to St. Luke’s hospital on the plaza. As word spread, we began to supply seven other area hospitals as well.
Immediately after we began the project last year, a nurse at the hospital let us know how much these pouches were appreciated: These units have been very appreciative of these pouches. People really love the design, the fabric, and how well-made they are. The guild did a great thing here – I hope all the members who have made pouches know they are really doing good work and making a positive difference in the lives of these moms and dads!
Since then, we have received additional comments from St. Luke’s hospital:
From Saint Luke’s South
“On behalf of the maternity staff at St. Luke’s South I would like to thank you and all the people involved in making these wonderful ‘pouches.’ We have always struggled to find a suitable option for our smallest babies. These will work out perfectly!
As nurses, we work very closely with these special families. It is wonderful to know the story about all the love and care that goes into making them.”Lois Williams, RN
From Saint Luke’s East
“I received your mailing today with the fetal pouches, and I just wanted to thank you and your group for your thoughtfulness. It is indeed a tragedy when these poor families suffer the loss of an unborn child; but having caring people such as yourselves make thoughtful donations does make an impact on them.”
Thanks once again,
Angelee True, RN
Coordinator, Infant Loss Committee
SLELS Hospital
Pouch Project Guidelines
We have had many requests from others on how to go about starting a charity project like this themselves. We’ve come up with a set of guidelines that will be helpful to you as you begin. The guidelines are a PDF download, you will need Acrobat Reader to view it. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. You can comment here, or email us a kcmodernquiltguild [at] gmail.com. Best of luck!