It was fantastic to see everyone who made it to our April guild meeting! To those who weren’t able to come, here’s what happened.

Heather Jones was our guest speaker. She talked about her book, “Quilt Local,” detailing where she draws inspiration and how it parlays to her quilt design. She mentioned Josef Albers as a color and design inspiration, and his book “Interaction of Color.” You can read more about Heather and her design process on her blog, Heather Jones Studio.

The guild has extra copies of Heather’s book still available at our cost of $15, if you are interested in a copy, please fill out this form by April 21st.   The next meeting will be Thursday, May 12th at 7pm at Kauffman Center (4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110). Kristen Shuler of Hey Paul will be speaking. You can find out more about Kirsten, her design, and workshops on her blog, Hey Paul Studios.  
The June guild meeting will be back at Roeland Park Community Center on Thursday, June 9th at 7pm, featuring guest speaker Kelsey Pike. You can find out more about Kelsey and her design process on her website.  

Kristen Shuler of Hey Paul will host Happy Hour workshops on Saturday, May 14th and Thursday, May 19th at the Bauer (115 W. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO). The workshops will focus on embroidery and offer free appetizers and a cash bar. The cost will be over $40, though the exact price has not been determined. Invoices will be sent once the price is set, and we will honor any wishes to back out at that time. To sign up, click here.

We have now entered our 2016-2017 Membership year (April 1, 2016- March 20, 2017). Any members not renewed by April 30th will be inactivated on May 1st. To renew, please fill out the form here, click the blue “Submit” button, and then click on the yellow PayPal button to pay your dues. Do let us know if you have any questions!
This will likely be our last email to you if you have not yet renewed your membership, and if you do not by the 30th. (If you have any questions, please do reply to this email!)  

We have a sew day coming up on May 21st from 9am – 7pm at Sarah’s in Lawrence! The price is $30, and does not include meals. The signup was emailed on Sunday, April 17th at 5pm. You must be a 2016-2017 guild member to reserve a spot at the Sew Day.  

The Kansas City Arts Challenge was a lot of fun! Our winners were:

  • 18th & Vine/Jazz Museum – Mary Kay Fosnacht
  • Bartle Hall – Dawn Green
  • Kauffman Center – Trish Price
  • Nelson/Kemper Art Museums – Nicole Bless
  • Union Station – Sue Tuttle
  • WWI Museum/Liberty Memorial – Sara Guidry
  • Grand Prize – Sara Guidry

It was great to see the entries.  Such a talented bunch of quilters!   Trisch Price is curating a non-guild-related display, where challenge participants may choose to display their work from July through September. If you do not participate in the challenge, you still have an opportunity to participate in the display.  For more information, please see your member email for Trisch’s contact.

Photos from the challenge are featured on our private Facebook page and on Flickr.   SWAPS We received our I-70 swap blocks from our St. Louis partners at the meeting, and the finished projects need to be returned at our June meeting to go back to St. Louis. We will have our swap projects and partners revealed at the August meeting. If you have any questions (or need to get your block!), please contact Nicole Moore. See if you catch a sneak of what you’re partner is making you by checking out #i70swap

4/16: Heather Jones Workshop, RPCC Room 6 , 10am – 4:30pm  

4/23 Committee Chair Meeting at 10am. Committee chairs will discuss goals and ideas for the coming year. If you would like to be more involved in guild, please reply to this email and location details will be shared. We’d love for you to come!  

4/24 Board Meeting, 10am – 1pm   May   5/12: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm. Kristen Shuler of Hey Paul Studios will be our guest speaker. Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110  

5/14 Happy Hour Embroidery Workshop with Kristen Schuler of Hey Paul. At The Bauer (115 W. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO) includes free appetizers and a cash bar.  

5/19 A second Happy Hour Embroidery Workshop with Kristen Schuler of Hey Paul. At The Bauer (115 W. 18th Street, Kansas City, MO) includes free appetizers and a cash bar. Prices are not set for the workshops with Kristen, but you may sign up here and bow out when prices are announced, if you prefer.  

5/21 May Sew Day from 9am – 7pm at Sarah’s in Lawrence. Email for sign-ups will be sent on Sunday, April 17th at 5pm.

June 6/9 Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm. Kelsey Pike will be our guest speaker. Location: Roeland Park Community Center, 4850 Rosewood Drive, Roeland Park KS, 66205

Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.   Be sure to look through the photos of Show and Tell posted on the guild flickr account at right. ->  

If you have any questions regarding any aspects of the guild, please do not hesitate to email the guild account – – and a board member will be happy assist!