Artful Improv with Cindy Grisdela

Learn to create your own original quilts with no pattern using improvisational piecing techniques. Students will learn to let go of the “rules” and piece blocks in an intuitive, free form fashion and may wish to begin with blocks or other elements left over from...

Improv Puzzle Blocks with Cindy Grisdela

Create improv log cabin blocks in a variety of sizes and put them together into a unique composition – like a jigsaw puzzle. There’s no measuring or precise cutting and each quilt will be unique. We will discuss color choices and using simple design...

Sew Kind of Wonderful: Rings Revival Workshop

The Rings Revival quilt pattern makes an absolutely GORGEOUS quilt that provides tons of opportunity to show off your quilting skills. This quilt design packs a sensational punch and would look fantastic hanging as a large wall quilt or as a snuggle quilt on your...

Sew Kind of Wonderful: Diamond Daze Workshop

Sew Kind of Wonderful is very excited about their newest pattern which uses the Quick Straight Ruler!  It is all about those straight cuts and seams! KCMQG is delighted to make this 1/2 day workshop available to all. You’ll receive a follow-up email re: supplies,...

Schoolhouse: Just Glue It!

Tired of quarter-inch seams that are not accurate?  Having fun joining binding strips on the diagonal?  Can you tell where you begin and end binding  your quilt? On November 16, 2019 from 10:00 – 3:30 p.m. you will find joy in these and more...