November 2022 Meeting: Mary Fons

Mary Fons lives a quiltful life. You might already know Mary from her lectures at QuiltCon, her work as Quiltfolk magazine’s editor-in-chief, her time at Quilty magazine, her appearances on Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting, reading her articles on...

October 2022 Meeting: Jacquie Gering 2.0

We are thrilled to welcome our guild’s founding president and renowned author and educator Jacquie Gering to our October meeting. In her Jacquie 2.0 talk, we’ll catch up with Jacquie with examples form her beloved Walk 2.0 book and hear more about what...

September 2022 Meeting: David Taylor

Have you ever studied the work of David Taylor of Ft. Collins, Colorado? David was born in Peterborough, New Hampshire, and currently resides in Fort Collins, Colorado. He has been the recipient of the Fairfield Master Award for Contemporary Quilting from the...