Have you worked with Oakshott cottons yet? Kaffe Fasset shot cottons? Essex linens? Well this quilt has them all! Karen of Blooming Poppies created this incredible improv quilt using a variety of lush, soft fabrics. Her end result is something we wish we could touch through the computer screen!

Karen bought this Sunrise Fat 8ths pack of Oakshott cottons while she was at QuiltCon in February. She pre-washed her fabrics and explains her experience with that here.
She did a ton of improv work with this quilt! Her process is amazing to read about.

The quilting is all organic vertical lines, which must have taken a ton of time and thread, but gave it a beautiful effect.
And the back shows off that quilting so well!

Read more details about the Box of Rain quilt here. Thanks for sharing, Karen!