In just a few days, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving and then it’s full swing into the Holiday Season. The KCMQG will have it’s December Meeting and Holiday Party on Thursday, December 14. It will be a fun filled evening of food, frivolity and FaBrIc, of course. Please plan to join us. Click on the Calendar link above for full details on time and place. In order to fully enjoy the evening, please bring a sweet or savory snack item to share. The guild will provide the beverages for this event. You’ll also want to grab ONE YARD of a favorite fabric and bring it, along with a small pair of scissors, to the evening’s festivities. We’ve got a plan brewing which is sure to end in a stack of fabric and a challenge to each of us. Don’t forget to choose a FAVORITE fabric. You’ll end up with a piece of it so make sure it’s something you like…

Also, we’re offering the opportunity to participate in a Block Lotto. Just make some tree blocks by following the tutorial for Diary of a Quilter’s Tree Blocks. Bring one or as many as you want. For every block you bring, you’ll get a ticket and we’ll do a drawing for the WHOLE SET of blocks at the end of the evening. The blocks should be trimmed to 7.5” x 9.5”. If you increase the size of your starting square by 1/2 an inch it will leave you a little more wiggle room in your sewing and trimming options. If we have more than 64 blocks we will split them into sets and have multiple winners. SEW fun, don’t you think?