Hello KCMQG members!

Our latest guild meeting was held on January 14, 2015 at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center.  We played Triva and had some birthday cake to celebrate the guild’s 6th anniversary.  The proposed changes to the bylaws were voted on and approved at this meeting.  Maggie Aisenbrey made the first motion to approve them with Lauren Hunt seconding.  
We are still in need of volunteers for committee chairs and board positions.  The form for nominating board representatives went out on Friday, January 15th.    If you missed that email, you can find the form here, but be sure you have permission from the person you are nominating before doing so.  If you have questions about any of the positions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the current board members at the guild account (kcmodernquiltguild@gmail.com) for more information.

2016-2017 board members will serve from March 2016-March 2017.  

We will hold elections at the February meeting.  You must be present to vote.  We will still take nominations for board candidates at the February meeting before voting.  In the event that more than one person runs for a single position, we will have paper and pens on hand to vote by fill-in ballot.

Our guild librarian, Patty Simmons, gave a brief presentation on how our guild library functions.  To browse our library, visit our library thing catalog.  You can also find the catalog listed on our guild Facebook page or at the MQG Community site.  Right now the library has about 100 items that include books, DVDs, magazines, fabric color cards, and an aurifil card.  Items can be checked out for a month at a time with the exception of the color cards.  Color cards for fabric and thread need to be utilized at the guild meetings.  If you see something you’d like to borrow from the library, email Patty at kcmqglibrarian@gmail.com.
If you have a book or magazine on modern quilting or general quilting techniques that you think would make a good addition to the guild library, get in touch with Patty about making a donation.
The Kansas City Arts Challenge was announced at Thursday’s meeting.  The details of this challenge are:
  • Create a quilt inspired by one of the following KC arts venues (there is a PDF with photographs of each venue attached to this email): 
    • Union Station
    • 18th & Vine/Jazz Museum
    • WWI Museum/Liberty Memorial
    • Nelson Atkins /Kemper Art Museums
    • Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts 
    • Bartle Hall
  • There is a maximum of 10 people allowed per venue.  
  • Measurements of the finished quilt must be:
    • Height: 24″ – 60″
    • Width: 24″ – 45″
  • Deadline for the challenge is the April guild meeting.  
  • If you have questions or would like to sign up for the KC Arts Challenge, you can email Karen Hansen at hansenkm@kcrr.com or Mary Kay Fosnacht at mfosnacht@mac.com.  
Trisch Price will be doing a workshop with us for her Show and Tell Bag.  It will be held at the Roeland Park Community Center in Room 6 on Saturday, February 13, 2016 from 10am until 5pm.  The cost will be $40.  You can sign up by following this link.

Winter Retreat
January 22-24, 2016 at Sew Sweet Quilt Shop in Brunswick, MO.  
Price is $105 without dinners (breakfasts included) or $135 with dinners (and breakfast also included).  Lunches are not provided.  Retreat runs from 10am on January 22nd until noon on January 24th. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016, 9am – 5:30pm at Sarah’s Fabrics in Lawrence, KS.  
Cost is $25 per person.  
Sign ups went out at 10am this morning.  If you missed that email, the link to sign up is here.

Spring Retreat
April 8-10, 2016 at Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri.  
Cost is $180 for a twin bed or $225 for a queen bed.  Queen beds will not be shared this year.  
Breakfast and Friday night dinner are included.  Lunches and Saturday night dinner are on your own.  
Sign-ups to attend will be emailed on Saturday, January 30th at 11:30am.  

1/22-1/23: Winter retreat at Sew Sweet Quilt Shop.
2/11: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  Elections will be held this night.  Trisch Price will be our guest speaker.  
Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110

2/13: Show & Tell Tote Workshop with Trisch Price. 10am-5pm at Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6.
2/20: Quilt Non at Sarah’s in Lawrence.  9am – 5:30pm.

3/10: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.
Location: Roeland Park Community Center, 4850 Roseland Drive, Roeland Park, KS 66205

4/8-4/10: Spring retreat at Missouri Star Quilt Co.  
4/14: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  Heather Jones will be our guest speaker.  
Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110

5/12: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm
Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110

Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.

See you all at the Kauffman Foundation for Trisch Price’s presentation in February!