Hello! Thank you, everyone who came to our annual summer picnic and Deneen’s home- and an extra, huge thank you to Deneen for hosting us all!
We had a wonderful lunch, a beautiful show and tell (pictures on our private Facebook page), and played “Left, Center, Right.”
Upcoming August Meeting-
-Thursday, August 11th at Kaufman Foundation Center
-7pm, with special guest Heidi Parkes.
(Kaufman Foundation Center | 4801 Rockhill Road | Kansas City MO 64110)
Below are our upcoming activities!

Join us (THIS WEEKEND) in working on our quilt tops and quilt backs for our Pulse Quilts on Saturday, August 6th at RPCC, room 6, from 9am – 4pm. No fee!
*An update on what we have and what we need. We have 7 persons signed up to assemble 85 donated blocks, piece together donated batting from the big Missouri Star pile and finish quilt tops and backs. Sign up and come for part of the day if your schedule for the weekend is tight!
Sign up here to help!
Help the board determine which speakers we should invite to teach workshops! If we receive enough interest, we will add workshops to the speakers’ contracts.
Fill out the anonymous form here — all answers are helpful! Everyone of the answers will help us to schedule your coming year! If we don’t have enough input we won’t schedule a speaker for the workshop. Your answers matter! There is also a section for general workshop related comments. We want the guild to have every opportunity to learn from incredible speakers!
Helpful info for filling out your interest and previous participation in the 2017 workshop survey!
2015 Workshop Instructors- Elizabeth Hartman, Angela Pingel, Sherri Lynn Wood, and Jessica Toye
2016 Workshop Instructors- Trish Price, Heather Jones, Kristen Schuler (Hey Paul), and will have Heidi Parkes and Melissa Averinos.
Possible 2017 Workshop Instructors
Winter – Rob Appell- Man Sewing – http://mansewing.com/
Spring – Karen Stone- http://www.karenkstone.com/
Summer – Latifah Saafir – http://www.latifahsaafirstudios.com/
Summer – Christa Watson – https://christaquilts.com/SEWING MACHINE RAFFLE
Myron Schwery of Bernina/Windmill Sewing Center generously donated a Brother Sewing Machine (valued at close to $900) to our guild! His expressed purpose was for us to use it as a fundraiser to benefit the guild.
We are conducting a raffle with the proceeds being used for a guild quilt show. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased here. We hope Myron will be present to draw the winning ticket at the September meeting.
The more virtual tickets you purchase, the more opportunities you have to win. You do not have to be present to win.
We will have our swap projects and partners revealed at the August meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Moore.
See if you catch a sneak of what you’re partner is making you by checking out #i70swap on Instagram.
Free July Quilt Pattern Available
Watch the Free Creative Webinar with Mary Frons, which aired live on July 20th
Also, check out all the previous webinars here.
8/11 8pm CT Designing Quilts in EQ7 with Amy Ellis free webinar
11/30 Deadline for Quilt Con Quilt Submissions
Check out the QuiltCon Special Exhibits for 2017 UPCOMING8/6 Pulse Quilts Sew day, 9am-4pm at RPCC room 6 — free to attend, please help us complete quilt tops and backs for our Pulse Quilts. Sign-up here.
8/11 August Guild Meeting at Kauffman, with special guest Heidi Parkes. For more information on Heidi, please visit her website and Instagram.
We will also receive our I-70 swap from our St. Louis MQG partners.
**BONUS** A few of us will be going to Snow and Co after guild for frosty cocktails – come join the fun!
Snow and Co | 1815 Wyandotte Street | Kansas City, MO 64108
8/12, 6-9:30p at RPCC, Heidi Parkes hand quilting workshop; cost per person is $55. Sign-ups available here.
8/13, 10-11:20am at RPCC, Heidi Parkes Yoga class. FREE. Sign-ups available here.
Last day to fill out 2017 Workshop Survey.
8/14 10am Board Meeting9/8 – September Guild Meeting at RPCC with special guest Rachel Hayes. For more information on Rachel, please visit her website and Instagram.
We will also have the drawing for the Brother sewing machine.
9/30 – 10/2 Fall Retreat at Sew Sweet. Cost is $130 per person, which includes breakfasts and one dinner. Sign-up here.
10/13 – October Guild Meeting at RPCC with special guest Melissa Averinos sponsored by Tia Curtis. For more information on Melissa, please visit her website and Instagram.
10/14 and 10/15 at RPCC, Melissa Averinos “Making Faces Two-Day Intensive Workshop.” Cost is $135 per person. Sign-up for wait list here.
Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.
If you have any questions regarding any aspects of the guild, please do not hesitate to reply to this email and a board member will be happy assist!