Our June meeting was a treat! Kelsey Pike showed us how she turns our fabric scraps into gorgeous paper.
Kelsey is opening a communal artist space, The Cherry Pit Collective. Visit the website for information about the space and consider contributing to her KickStarter campaign to fund the project.
Other meeting items-
- Batting and pillowcase kits for charity projects were available at the meeting.
- Modern Makers hosted our meeting.
Our next meeting is the July Picnic at Deneen’s home (details below) then back at Kauffman in August with Heidi Parkes!
Myron Schwery of Bernina/Windmill Sewing Center generously donated a Brother Sewing Machine (valued at close to $900) to our guild! His expressed purpose was for us to use it as a fundraiser to benefit the guild.
We will be conducting a raffle with the proceeds of ticket sales being used for a guild quilt show. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased through the link in the member recap email. We hope Myron will be present to draw the winning ticket at the September meeting.
The more virtual tickets you purchase, the more opportunities you have to win. You do not have to be present to win.
I-70 swap projects were shown at the meeting.
We will have our swap projects and partners revealed at the August meeting. If you have any questions, please look to your member email for Nicole Moore’s contact info.
See if you catch a sneak of what you’re partner is making you by checking out #i70swap on Instagram.
Sew Day – We are currently working on scheduling a Sew Day this summer. As soon as details are available, we will be sending an additional email!
Board Meeting – The board met on Sunday, June 12th. If you would like to read those minutes, please log into your MQG account. Members can read the minutes here.
Sign ups for the Michael Miller Fabric Challenge for QuiltCon 2017 is open! The fabric is Luxe by Michael Miller Fabrics. More info is posted on quiltcon.com under the “Quilt Show” section.
6/25 QuiltCon 2017 Pre-registration begins
11/30 Deadline for Quilt Con Quilt Submissions
- 7/23 July Picnic! Please bring something to share (food and libations welcomed!) and a show and tell if you like! We will be meeting at Deneen’s home (please see your member email for address) from 11am – 3pm. If you’d like play “Left Center Right,” please bring at least three fat quarters to play the game.
- 8/11 August Guild Meeting at Kauffman, with special guest Heidi Parkes. For more information on Heidi, please visit her website and Instagram.
- 8/12, 6-9:30p at RPCC, Heidi Parkes hand quilting workshop; cost per person is $55. Sign-ups will come Saturday, June 18th at 9am.
- 8/13, 10-11:20am at RPCC, Heidi Parkes Yoga class. FREE. Sign-ups will come Saturday, June 18th at 9am.
- 9/8 – September Guild Meeting at RPCC with special guest Rachel Hayes. For more information on Rachel, please visit her website and Instagram. We will also have the drawing for the Brother sewing machine.
- 9/30 – 10/2 Fall Retreat at Sew Sweet. Cost will be $130 per person, which includes breakfasts and one dinner. Sign-ups will be sent on Saturday, July 8th.
- 10/13 – October Guild Meeting at RPCC with special guest Melissa Averinos sponsored by Tia Curtis. For more information on Melissa, please visit her website and Instagram.
- 10/14 and 10/15 at RPCC, Melissa Averinos “Making Faces Two-Day Intensive Workshop.” Cost will be $135 per person. Sign-ups will be sent on Saturday, July 8th.
Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.
If you have any questions regarding any aspects of the guild, please do not hesitate to email us at kcmodernquiltguild@gmail.com and a board member will be happy assist!
On a more somber note, our hearts and thoughts go out to our brothers and sisters impacted by the senseless mass shooting in Orlando this weekend. The Orlando MQG is working on accepting donations of quilts and blocks and we would like to support them. We know they want to fill their community with love, bright colors, and hearts. All donations will directly be given to families who suffered heartbreaking loss or have had some involvement in the tragedy.
The KCMQG will collect items and ship them together. As we receive more details, we will send additional information.