We are very excited to welcome Mary Fons to Kansas City and our November meeting this coming Thursday!
When: Thursday, November 10th, 2016 – 7pm – Room Opens at 6:30 for some social time
Where: Kaufman Foundation Center – 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110- Town Sq. Rm.
Please note: Show and Tell time will likely be shortened to give our guest time to thrill and entertain us. Please allow items that will be gifts and not available to show at December be given the priority to be shown first.
Mary Fon’s Trunk Show MID-DAY on Nov. 10th
1:30-3:30 pm (room opens at 1 pm for socialization)
Kauffman Foundation Center, Kansas City Room
Entirely different presentation than that evening’s meeting
Mary is a writer and quilter living in Chicago with a long and creative family history. She has been a editor and creative director at Quilty Magazine and is a bi-monthly columnist for Quilts, Inc. Mary co-hosts The Love of Quilting on public television with her mother, Marianne Fons. Her first book Make + Love Quilts: Scrap Quilts for the 21st Century was released in 2014 with C&T/StashBooks.
Mary’s fabric line with Springs Creative and pattern line with McCall’s launched at International Fall Quilt Market. Learn more in this beautiful video featuring Mary and her fabric design.
For more information on Mary, her work, projects and writing visit her website, blog and Instagram.
-please direct any questions on the updated budget before the meeting starts
-vote on proposed 2107 budget
-turn in any last submissions for the paper piecing fundraiser challenge (this meeting is final deadline)
A few of us will be going out for some social time after the meeting
Location: Plaza area has many options. The group deciding to go has tons of choice! Gather and decide after the meeting what place sounds best to you.
See you there!