In case you missed Kate’s meeting minutes email on the March meeting, here it is again! Hope the rest of everyone’s March has treated you well.  

Our last guild meeting was on March 10 at the Roeland Park Community Center. Using giant sticky notes, we learned that our group has a corner on the sewing machine market, has over a thousand years of sewing experience, and really likes rotary cutters. We also had a changing of the guard, as Jaime and the 2015 board handed the reigns to Laura and the 2016 board.   Renewals are coming! Our membership year runs from April to March! A renewal email has been sent, and you can renew on our Membership page. Please fill out the form and then click the orange PayPal “Pay Now” button to pay your dues. You must pay your dues by May 1, and volunteer for a committee.

Here’s a recap of Jaime’s “State of the (Quilting) Union Address”:

Alternative Venue The fantastic thing about the Kauffman Conference Center is it is free! Unfortunately, we need to book it 6 months in advance (and be approved), and we can absolutely not sell anything (or allow speakers to sell anything) in order to honor their nonprofit regulations. So, when available we will be at Kauffman, and when we have a speaker with wares to share, we will maneuver to hold the meetings at Roeland Park Community Center.  

Workshops Workshops have been tricky – ya’ll really love retreats, but not so much the workshops. 

  • To ensure space for everyone who is interested, we’re going to implement a two week lead time to pay workshop invoices, so we don’t end up with reserved, unpaid for spots!
  • Please alert the board via email if you are unable to use your spot, most of the time we have a waitlist to honor.


  • Similarly, we will also implement the two week lead time for retreat invoices! 
  • And again, please let us honor the waitlist if you are unable to keep your reserved spot.
  • We are going to try to add more retreats to the calendar, since they are such a hit! 

Facebook Wednesday is our designated Facebook share day. 

  • This is to give our community members who own quilty businesses a chance to share classes and sales without subjecting the group to spammy posts. 
  • Important questions about retreats and workshops are best handled via email (like if you need to give up a coveted spot). 

Scholarships 2016 We are issuing two $500 scholarships to regional students who are studying textiles! Hopefully, these students will speak at our guild and share how these scholarships impacted their education.   

Special Guests for 2016 In no particular order or date (so don’t start planning yet) we will have:

  • Heather Jones
  • Kelsey Pike
  • Heidi Parkes
  • Mary Fons
  • Melissa Averinos
  • Kristen Shuler

We will not participate in KCRQF 2017 as a guild. The KCRQF requires that they have access to our roster of guild members and their emails. Because of the bylaws of our guild, which do not allow us to share that information outside the guild, we were unable to give them that list. We tried to reach a suitable compromise, but were unable to before their deadline, so our application was denied, and we will not participate in 2017.  

Upcoming Meetings/EventsOur April meeting will be at Kauffman Conference Center on April 14th at 7pm. Heather Jones will be our guest speaker. At this meeting, we will also share our KC Arts Venue quilts. Measurements must be: Height 24-60:, Width 24-45. If you have any questions, email and we will direct you to the organizers.

  • April 15th Heather Jones will host a workshop at Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6 from 10am – 4:30pm. Workshoppers will learn Marrakeck – large scale piecing. The cost is $85 PLUS supplies. $95 for non-members.
  • April 16th Heather Jones will teach Speak Easy – Building Patchwork Letters in Room 6 of the Roeland Park Community Center. The class will run from 10am  – 4:30pm and costs $85 PLUS supplies. $95 for non-members.
  • In May we will meet at the Kauffman Center on May 12th at 7 pm and Kristen Shuler of Hey Paul! will speak.

Thanks again, 2015 Officer Team!

Jaime David – President

Laura Capello  – Vice President

Lesley Latham – Treasurer

Jessica Toye – Secretary

Betsy Blodgett – Tech Coordinator  

And 2015 Committee Chairs!

Maggie Aisenbrey – logistics/greeters

Paula Leber – programs Melody Baker – quilt show Deneen Slack – swaps and challenges

Kristin Marciniak – Community Serice

Merrie Ford/Sammie Messick – retreats  

Thank you so much for your time, energy, ideas, and dedication to making the guild a hub of creativity and learning!  

And welcome 2016 Officer Team: Laura Capello – President Denise Bane – Vice President Lesley Latham – Treasurer Kate Walz – Secretary Laura Heron – Technology Coordinator  

KC ARTS CHALLENGE The details of this challenge are:

  • Create a quilt inspired by one of the following KC arts venues: 
    • Union Station
    • 18th & Vine/Jazz Museum
    • WWI Museum/Liberty Memorial
    • Nelson Atkins /Kemper Art Museums
    • Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts 
    • Bartle Hall
  • There is a maximum of 10 people allowed per venue.  
  • Measurements of the finished quilt must be:
    • Height: 24″ – 60″
    • Width: 24″ – 45″
  • Deadline for the challenge is the April guild meeting.  
  • If you have questions or would like to sign up for the KC Arts Challenge, Karen Hansen or Mary Kay Fosnacht are your gals. Email us at for their contact information.


An email went out regarding our next upcoming workshops.  In April, Heather Jones will be our guest speaker and she’ll be holding two workshops; one on Friday and one on Saturday.  (All information coming in post tomorrow, 3.31.)  


Spring Retreat April 8-10, 2016 at Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri.   Cost is $180 for a twin bed or $225 for a queen bed.  Queen beds will not be shared this year.   Breakfast and Friday night dinner are included.  Lunches and Saturday night dinner are on your own.   This retreat is currently full.  To get on the wait list, fill out the form here.  


4/8-4/10: Spring retreat at Missouri Star Quilt Co.  
4/14: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  Heather Jones will be our guest speaker.   Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110
4/15: Marrakech: Large Scale Piecing at Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6 from 10 – 4:30.
4/16: Speak Easy: Building Patchwork Letters at Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6 from 10 – 4:30.
5/12: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  Guest speaker is Kristen Shuler of Hey Paul Studios is our guest speaker.   Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110

Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.