Who are you, and what do you do for a living?
I’m Lauren, from Overland Park. I am a Nurse Informaticist, which is a nurse who works with computers and hospital IT. I work at University of Kansas Hospital.

When did you first start sewing or quilting? How did you learn?
I dabbled in sewing as a child, even earned my sewing badge in Girl Scouts, back in the day. I started quilting around 1998. My first project was a block hotpad, which I still have. For several years prior to starting quilting, I had admired quilts and thought it looked like a fun thing to do. It didn’t look like an addiction.
Unfortunately…well, you all know what it’s like.

What is your favorite part of quilting, or favorite type of work to do? (handwork, machine quilting, designing, etc.)
I like most parts of the quilting process. I enjoy designing, piecing, and hand quilting and machine quilting. The only part I really don’t like is marking the quilt for quilting. I try to get away with as little marking as possible.

What do you consider to be your quilting “style”?
I have a varied style. I don’t even know if I have a style you can label. Traditional patterns appeal because they tend to be structured, geometric, and mathematic. I like contemporary patterns because of their form and color combinations.

How would you define “Modern Quilting”?
Modern quilting is quilting without a single set of rules. It applies the modern aesthetic to fabric art, and emphasizes on the design of the end product rather than a strict method or process to achieve the results.

What is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I made a queen size log cabin quilt (see photo). I had it processionally quilted. It’s on my bed, now.
Another one I’m proud of is a baby quilt I made for my nephew. It became his special “blanky.” What higher compliment can a quilter get?

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from quilting?
Patience and persistence.
Finish this phrase … Quilting makes me feel:
Artistic and practical. I like making quilts because it produces something beautiful that you can actually use!
Thanks for playing along Lauren! We look forward to many more of your beautiful creations!