Hello KCMQG members!   Our meeting this month is just a few days away!  We will be meeting this Thursday, November 12th at 7pm at the Roeland Park Community Center.   This month’s meeting will include a little guild business, some national MQG news, a budget vote, the Clue Challenge reveal, a little about the guild’s GO! Cutter, some committee group work, show and tell, and some giveaways.       We will not be discussing or answering questions regarding budgets at the meeting.  If you have questions, please email them to Lesley at the guild email (kcmodernquiltguild@gmail.com) before the meeting.  If you haven’t had a chance to look over the proposed budget, you can find it attached to this email.  

We are currently considering if our guild will participate in the 2017 KCRQF and to what extent. We would love your opinions and are looking for some interested leaders, should we choose to participate. If you are that person we need to know. Please take this quick survey before November 15. The board will be reviewing the results at our next board meeting. Thank you for your consideration.

CHARITY PROJECTS Stuffed Animals Project: This year we’ll be creating stuffed animals to donate to the KCK Police Department.  These stuffed animals we will be donating will be taken by police officers and given to children who are in scary situations.  This could be domestic violence, car accidents, or any other situation where receiving something special could help a child cope with something that could be very frightening.  Kristin Marciniak has started two pinterest boards where you can find patterns or tutorials for projects that would be appropriate for this charity program.

KCMQG Plushie Patterns (FREE) and KCMQG Plushie Patterns (Paid).  We are planning to collect the stuffed animals twice a year, with the first collection happening sometime in the late fall.       CHALLENGES Clue Challenge

  • Make a quilt no larger than 42″x42″ inspired by three Clue Cards – a suspect, a weapon and a room.
  • There are no sign-ups, so feel free to choose your three Clue Cards on your own.  If you missed picking a card in person, you can find all of the characters, weapons, and rooms and pick your favorites by visiting this link.
  • Reveal will be at the November meeting.

One Hour-Basket Holiday Swap

  • Participants will be asked to make a One Hour Basket using a given fat quarter as the lining.
  • They can make the outside and handles out of coordinating fabric(s).  It may be pieced, appliquéd, embellished, or left plain.
  • Pattern for the “1 Hour Basket” can be found here: http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/sewing/home-decor/1-hour-basket-tutorial/136408
  • If you missed swapping fat quarters at the October meeting, bring your fat quarter in a brown paper bag and we’ll swap again this month.  
  • December meeting: Bring back finished basket filled with a small gift ($10.00ish).  Wrap the whole thing up and include a tag which includes To: and From: information.

RETREATS Winter Retreat January 22-23.  Details to follow very soon.   Spring Retreat April 8-10, 2016 at Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri.  Details and sign-ups to come in January.     UPCOMING 11/12: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  Clue Challenge quilts will be revealed. Location: Roeland Park Community Center.   12/10: Monthly KCMQG meeting at 7pm.  This will be our holiday party. Location: Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, MO 64110   1/22-1/23: Winter retreat.  Details coming very soon.   4/8-4/10: Spring retreat at Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, MO.     Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.   Hope to see you all later this week in Roeland Park!