Are you guys as tired as we are? Whew! What a Meet Up!! Now that the furor has died down, the first thing we want to do is thank all the fabulous sponsors who made this event possible.

First up: The Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild and the Saint Louis Modern Quilt Guild for all the work that went into planning and all the volunteers who made the event run smoothly. Special thanks to: Mary Anne Williams, Sarah Mosher, Kristy Daum, Lynne, Marilyn, Tammie, Carol, Paula, Nancy, Melissa, Marsha, Monica, Kristin, Jenny, Sharon, Denise, Linda, and Stephanie! (if your name is not here and you helped out, we apologize for the omission and we appreciated your help!)
Second: HUGE SHOUT OUT to QuiltCon, who secured the ballroom that we held the Meet Up in. Without them, we probably would have been milling around in the streets instead. Special thanks to Heather Grant, who did all the phone tag legwork!
And finally (though definitely not least): ALL OUR SPONSORS!

Amy Butler Designs (sewing patterns and a book)
Angela Walters (Free motion quilting book)
Aurifil (lots of thread)
Bernina (tote bags)
Bon Bon Atelier (fat quarter set of fabric)
Cluck. Cluck. Sew. (patterns)
Denyse Schmidt Quilts (travel-sized sewing kits)
Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio (patterns)
Fabricworm (fat quarter set of fabric)
Fresh Lemons Quilts (pattern certificates)
Fresh Modern Fabric (fat quarter set of fabric)
Fresh-Squeezed Fabric (fat quarter set of fabric)
Gears for Guys by Emily Herrick (three copies)
Gütermann of America, Inc. (thread)
Interweave (Quilting Modern book)
Jaybird Quilts (patterns)
Kristy Daum (patterns)
Marmalade Fabrics (half-yard QuiltCon fabric stack)
Martingale Publishers (lots of books)
Melissa Stramel (patterns)
Missouri Star Quilt Co. (set of rulers and fabric bundles)
Moda Fabrics (notions bag and cake layer gift bundles)
Modern Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman (three copies)
Modern Quilt Studio (copies of their new magazine)
Pink Castle Fabrics (fat quarter set of fabric)
Pink Chalk Fabrics (one-yard QuiltCon fabric stack)
Quilt Sticks (rulers)
Robert Kaufman (charm packs and fat quarter sets)
Sew Fresh Fabrics (fat quarter set of fabric)
Sew, Mama, Sew! (gift certificate)
Sew Sweet Quilt Shop (two gift bundles of fabric, rulers, and more)
Spoonflower (two gift certificates)
Stash Books (lots of books)
Sunflower Quilts (patterns)
Swell Cloth (fat quarter set of fabric)
Quilter’s Dream Batting (several rolls of miscellaneous batting)
Zipit (large bag of assorted zippers and zipper pulls)
These sponsors were fabulous. They really made our Meet Up awesome! We’ll do a Part 2 blog post that includes pictures from the Meet Up and some of the prize winners. Look for it soon.