The lazy, hazy days of summer are winding down and we’re so close to fall that you can almost feel it! This month’s program is going to encourage you to tackle the quilt tops that you were so excited to sew and then panicked at the thought of what to do with the quilting. It’s sad but true, a top without quilting is just another unfinished project. It can’t really do what a quilt is supposed to do. Join us and fellow guild member and longarm quilter, Jaime Wilkins, for an evening discussing “How Do I Quilt this Quilt?!?!?”Not only will Jaime talk with us about her thoughts on the subject, but we’ll also break into smaller groups and enjoy feedback from fellow members on ideas for getting that quilt top to graduate to a real live quilt!

Jamie is a life-long doodler who began scribbling on quilts in 2013, at the urging of a quilt-crazed family member. One weekend at a Machine Quilters Guild conference was all it took for the enchantment of free-motion quilting to take hold, and Chasing Dreams, LLC was born. Jamie relies on free-motion techniques only, using a long-arm machine, in her home studio in Platte City. In addition to quilting, Jamie is a clinical dietitian at Children’s Mercy Hospital, and a busy Soccer & Archery mom.
Join us for this month’s meeting!
Thursday, September 13
7-9 pm
Room opens at 6:30 pm
Kauffman Foundation Town Square Room
4801 Rockhill Road
Kansas City MO