Our September meeting was a full of beautiful images and inspiring information! Rachel Hayes visited us and discussed her experiences as a fiber artist with many pictures (and videos) of her large installations. To stay in touch with Rachel, please visit her website and Instagram.

Congratulations to Kate Walz for winning the Brother sewing machine! Thanks, again, to Myron and Windmill Sewing Center for the donation! We can’t wait to see how you use that fancy machine! We also showed the quilts we made to donate to Orlando, our Pulse Quilts. We will be shipping them to the Orlando MQG this week.
Our next meeting is Thursday, October 13, at Roeland Park Community Center. The room opens at 6:30pm for socialization, and the guild meeting begins at 7pm. Melissa Averinos will be our guest speaker, Tia Curtis will host the meeting, and we will propose our 2017 budget. Treats are welcomed at RPCC, if you’d like to bring something to share! Join us after the meeting for drinks and more socialization at The Bar, 6101 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202.
Library Requests
If you’d like to request a book or two that you think would make an excellent addition to the guild library, please fill out this form.
We will continue to keep this form active for future requests as well! PATTERN CHALLENGE We announced our next Pattern Challenge, which will be a fundraising opportunity for our guild.
Guideline details and a submission form are attached to your member email.
SCHOLARSHIP + GRANT COMMITTEE 2016 was our pilot year with this as an addition to our budget. We awarded two $500 scholarships to KCAI students for summer enrichment. The recipients will be visiting us at our December meeting and sharing what they learned and how it has impacted there creative pursuits.
For 2017, we are modifying the funds to include grants for guild members to continue arts and quilting education beyond with the guild is able to provide. The committee will propose how to divide the funds (with scholarship/grants to textile students and guild members) and oversee the processes of applying, awarding, and sharing back with the guild.
We plan to have the proposal ready of how the funds will be used before the 2017 Budget Vote at our November meeting.
If you are interested in changing to this committee mid-year, please fill out the form linked in the member email.
NEWS FROM MQG The MQG Book submissions are open, learn more here. Join the first MQG Swap, learn more here. 9/29, 8pm CT: Webinar, No Tails Binding: Mitered Corners by Machine with Linda Hungerford10/20, 8pm CT: Webinar, Color Theory with Kim Eichler-Messmer (one of our very own members!) 11/30 Deadline for QuiltCon Quilt Submissions UPCOMING9/30 – 10/2 Fall Retreat at Sew Sweet. Cost is $130 per person, which includes breakfasts and one dinner. The Retreat is currently full, but we are accepting members on the wait list. Sign up in your member email. 10/13, 7pm: October Guild Meeting at RPCC with guest Melissa Averinos sponsored by Tia Curtis. The room is open at 6:30pm for socialization. For more information on Melissa, please visit her website and Instagram. We will also propose our 2017 budget. 10/14 and 10/15 at RPCC, Melissa Averinos “Making Faces Two-Day Intensive Workshop.” Cost is $135 per person. There are some spaces available due to cancellations and we would also like to create a wait list in case there are any other cancellations. Sign up in your member email. 10/23: Board Meeting at 10am. Join us at Modern Markers for hand-sewing time in the from 1:30-4pm. 11/5, 9am – 6pm: Sew Day at Sarah’s. Sign up in your member email. There are plenty of spots left- join us! 11/10, 1:30-3:30 (room opens at 1pm for socialization): Mary Fons Trunk Show at Kaufman Foundation Center, Kansas City Room 11/10, 7pm: November Guild Meeting at Kaufman Foundation Center, Town Square Room, with guest Mary Fons. The room is open at 6:30pm for socialization. For more information on Mary, visit her website and Instagram. We will also vote to pass our proposed 2017 budget.
Please note: Show and Tell time will likely be shortened. Please allow items that will be gifts and not available to show at December be given the priority to be shown first. 12/8, 7pm: December Holiday Party at Kaufman Foundation Center, Town Square Room. The room is open at 6:30pm for socialization.Our scholarship winners will present how they used their scholarships to influence their current and future work.
1/12, 7pm: January Guild Meeting at RPCC with guest Rob Appell. The room is open at 6:30pm for socialization. For more information on Rob, visit his website and Instagram.
Please note: Show and Tell will be happening after the business update and will need to end at 7:35pm followed by a short break and Rob taking the stage at 7:45pm. Please allow items that will be gifts and not available to show in February be given the priority to be shown first.
1/14: Reverse Applique Workshop with Rob Appell at RPCC, Multi Purpose Room 10am – 4pm. Cost will be $52. Sign ups will come on Saturday, September 17th at 9am. Class description and material list attached.
Please note: A minimum number of students are required. If you would like to attend this workshop, please sign up before October 15th.
2/9: Guild Meeting (location not yet determined), KC Arts Challenge Show and Tell – bring your KC Arts Challenge projects from summer 2016 (and those that have since been completed!) and let’s spend more time talking about the inspiration, design influences, and execution.
2/25: QuiltNon at Sarah’s, 9am – 6pm. Cost will be $30 (no meals) and sign ups will come later in the year.
Check out the online calendar of events for more upcoming activities.
If you have any questions regarding any aspects of the guild, please do not hesitate to contact us via email and a board member will be happy assist!