Sherri Lynn Wood will be our guest speaker at our April meeting. Sherri is also offering workshops and there are available spots for the Friday workshop, which we are opening up to the public. If you’re interested in taking a workshop from Sherri, information about the workshop along with a sign up link is below. If you have any questions, please fee free to email
Workshop 1: Improvisational Patchwork Doodling
Date: Friday, April 17th from 9 am – 5 pm
Location: Roeland Park Community Center
Fee: $110 for members, $120 for non-members
Details: Sherri’s book is NOT required for this workshop. There are 16 spots available.
Description: Doodling is the model for this playful yet challenging approach to improvisational patchwork. Letting go of expectations, plans or a preconceived outcome, participants will practice building patterns with simple shapes and negative space while learning basic ruler free sewing techniques. Like a doodle, it is not planned nor is it random – it’s responsive…and plenty of fun!