As Spring Quilt Market closed down in Kansas City, the excitement remained high for the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild, as well as a few quilters who had the good fortune to stay an extra day, or miss a flight or two. Weeks Ringle stayed an extra day also, just to speak to us and show us some of her fabulous quilts! So, on May 21, a horde of quilters gathered to listen to Weeks.

She talked about process work, fabric usage, and binding styles.

She discussed some of the new quilts showing in the Transparency Quilts book that published in January.

We got to touch her quilts!

Her mini quilts were just gorgeous.

At the end, Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild members showed quilts that had been made from a pattern by Weeks and Bill. Weeks loved it and took photos to show Bill.

The show-n-tell session was videotaped:
Having Weeks visit and speak to the guild was fun, inspirational and educational. We loved having her!