by Andrea Smith | Jul 23, 2019 | Workshops
Are you ready to set your artist free with improv piecing? If you are, then join Tia Curtis for an Improv Piecing workshop. She will instruct how to make eight different traditional blocks in a liberated, pattern free method and she will show various ways to combine...
by KCMQG | Apr 1, 2018 | Meetings, Speakers, Workshops
The Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild is so excited to welcome nationally known quilter Timna Tarr for a weekend April 12-14. Timna will be speaking at our guild meeting on Thursday evening, April 12 at the Roeland Park Community Center 4850 Rosewood Dr Roeland...
by KCMQG | Mar 4, 2018 | Meetings, Speakers, Workshops
The Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild is excited to host Sara Lawson at our March guild meeting. Sara is well known in the world of modern quilting and is most thought of for her bag patterns and her approach to making 3-D objects. She will be speaking at our meeting on...
by KCMQG | Jul 9, 2017 | Workshops
It’s rare that we able to welcome back a nationally renowned and talented friend like Melissa Averinos twice in such a short period of time. Last year, Melissa came and spent a weekend with our members. It was a much anticipated weekend and the members who were...
by KCMQG | May 12, 2017 | Meetings, Workshops
The Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild is excited to announce that Latifah Saafir will be joining us in June. She will be speaking at our June guild meeting on Thursday, June 8th at Roeland Park. Please join us and bring a guest. (there will be a $10 minimal charge for...
by KCMQG | Jan 8, 2017 | Challenges & Swaps, Grants & Scholarships, Meetings, Speakers, Workshops
We have had an incredible run of Show-and-Tells at our October, November and December meetings. Please jump over to our Flickr page for the of our members’ creations.