by KCMQG | Mar 31, 2016 | Meetings, Workshops
For April, Heather Jones will be our guest speaker and she’ll be holding two workshops while she is here; one on Friday and one on Saturday, April 15th and 16th. Today, we are opening the workshop to the public with continued special pricing for...
by KCMQG | Mar 7, 2016 | Workshops
We are lucky to have Heather Jones teaching two workshops after our guild meeting in April! The first workshop is Marrakech: Large Scale Piecing Friday, April 15th, 10am – 4:30pm (with 30 minutes for lunch) at Roeland Park Community Center, Room 6. Cost is...
by KCMQG | Sep 4, 2015 | Meetings, Speakers, Workshops
Hello KCMQG members!Our meeting this month is just under a week away! We will be meeting next Thursday, September 10 at 7pm. The location for this meeting has changed. We’ll be gathering in the Hudson Auditorium at the Johnson County...
by Andrea Smith | Jun 18, 2015 | Speakers, Workshops
Hi, guild members!Elizabeth Hartman of Oh Fransson is going to be our speaker for our September meeting. She will also be teaching two workshops. Normally, our workshops are on Friday and Saturday, but Elizabeth’s workshops will be on Wednesday and Thursday...
by KCMQG | Jun 6, 2015 | Meetings, Workshops
Hello KCMQG members!Our next meeting is Thursday, June 11th from 7-9pm at the Roeland Park Community Center.This month Angela Pingel will be our speaker. She is the author of A Quilter’s Mixology: Shaking Up Curved Piecing and writes the...
by KCMQG | May 29, 2015 | Meetings, Workshops
Angela Pingel of Cut to Pieces will be our guest speaker at our June meeting. She is also teaching two workshops and there are available spots in each workshops, which we are opening to the public. If you’re interesting in taking a workshop from Angela,...