April Meeting with Heather Jones this Thursday, April 14!

We will be meeting this Thursday, April 14th at 7pm back at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center.  Heather Jones will be our guest speaker.RETREATSThe Missouri Star Spring Retreat  last weekend was a great success! Thank you to the organizers and participants for...

March Meeting Review

In case you missed Kate’s meeting minutes email on the March meeting, here it is again! Hope the rest of everyone’s March has treated you well.   Our last guild meeting was on March 10 at the Roeland Park Community Center. Using giant sticky notes, we...

March Meeting Reminder- at Roeland Park Community Center

Quick reminder for tomorrow’s meeting!Back to the old stomping grounds this month! We will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, March 10 – 7pm at the Roeland Park Community Center. We will have a look back at our incredible membership year, have show...

February Meeting Recap!

OFFICER TEAM Congratulations to our newly elected officer team!  The officers were unanimously approved by the guild members present at the meeting.  Maggie Aisenbrey motioned to approve them and Nikki McDonald seconded.  You can look forward to the...

February Meeting Reminder!

Hello KCMQG members! Our meeting this month is just a week away!  We will be meeting next Thursday, February 11th at 7pm back at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center.  Trisch Price will be our guest speaker and...