by KCMQG | Apr 27, 2015 | Workshops
Angela Pingel of Cut to Pieces and author of A Quilter’s Mixology will be our speaker in June and she is also offering two workshops! Details about each workshop are below along with a sign up link. If you have any questions, please let us...
by KCMQG | Apr 23, 2015 | Workshops
We are excited to have Jessica Toye teach a modified version of her Pictorial Applique class! Learn her method for making the applique design as shown in the sample above. You’ll get to practice raw edge applique and free motion quilting. Details are below...
by KCMQG | Apr 8, 2015 | Meetings, Workshops
Just a reminder that we will be meeting this month on Thursday, April 16th at the Roeland Park Community Center from 7-9 P.M.Guest Speaker, Sherri Lynn Wood! Sherri will also be teaching two workshops for the guild at the community center. Improvisational...
by KCMQG | Mar 17, 2015 | Meetings, Workshops
Sherri Lynn Wood will be our guest speaker at our April meeting. Sherri is also offering workshops and there are available spots for the Friday workshop, which we are opening up to the public. If you’re interested in taking a workshop from Sherri,...
by KCMQG | Jan 6, 2015 | Meetings, Workshops
Our January meeting is this Thursday, the 8th at the Roeland Park Community Center from 7-9 pm.JANUARY SPONSORCaitlin McIntyre of I Don’t Do Dishes will be our sponsor this month. You can shop and make purchases before the meeting and during...
by KCMQG | Dec 30, 2014 | Workshops
Shannon Brinkley of Bottle Tree will be our guest speaker at our January meeting. Shannon is also offering workshops and there are available spots for the Friday evening workshop, which we are opening up to the public. If you’re interested in taking a...